Exciting news! Now you can book a reading with Jonathan Louis directly. Just follow the link below to see his schedule and to make a booking!
If you would like to book a 30 minute psychic reading please follow this link: https://PsychicJonathanLouis.as.me/
Private readings are done by phone. When booking this session, it is 30 minutes in length. This session can only be booked for one person.
Recording is not permitted – however, note taking is strongly encouraged.
The waiting time for a private appointment could be upwards of six months. All calls are returned in the order they are received. When booking your appointment, please be sure to specify what type of private reading you are interested in booking and for how many people.
If you would like to book a 30 minute psychic reading please follow this link: https://PsychicJonathanLouis.as.me/
Psychic Reading:
In a psychic reading, your time will be spent on what’s happening in your life now and what trends of energy you have coming up for you. Please know that Jonathan’s style of reading is not just to predict the future, but with the help of his Guides, tap into your life’s energy and help you understand some of the lessons, issues, and challenges you are dealing with. The goal is to remove blockages of energy to facilitate doing and being your personal best. Questions that are not answered during the course of your session may be presented at the end of your reading. It is advisable to prepare for your session by thinking about what areas of your life you would like to receive some Universal guidance on. (Only one person may be booked per session.)
A psychic reading will NEVER turn into a mediumship reading. If you would like to connect with family, friends or pets who have crossed over this is NOT the reading for you.